Well, I shall start with
salam, PEACE, not greeting you by “As-salamou’alaïkoum”, because if you
answered “Wa alaikoumous-salamou wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh” (May the
peace, greatness and the blessings of Allah be upon you), you would think that
Allah will grant you 30 good actions, when He actually does not even recognise
your existence.
I must say that you, a
son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, father, mother, and so much more, you
are the product of something that started many years before your birth. Indeed,
we are now reaping, internationally, the fruits that were heavy handedly sown
many years before our birth, by arrogant, mindless and autocrat fools.
Yes, the west has played
for too long with your politics/economy/social dynamics/beliefs/borders and
much more.
Yes, when you think you
have lost everything and have nothing to lose, it might seem tempting to
believe that there is a power bigger than you, that will train you and send you
in a place filled with gardens and golden linens; The west trains its soldiers
with similar incentives, it can relate.
Yet, I must thwart your
No, The Holy Book that
so many people use for peace and support in the harshest times, NO the 114
sourates of the Qu’ran do not encourage you to kill and if you read it, you
know he will not be welcoming you. He will be ashamed that you waved his book
in the air as you killed and terrorised several nations in HIS Holy name and so
will all his prophets.
Amongst the vast number of your victims, I want to tell you about
three young men.
Omar. He, like many, is
a REMARKABLE young Arab man, whose sense of integrity, cultural understanding
and ambition are simply inspiring. His French report once read “If my own son
becomes half the shadow of Omar’s, I will be a fulfilled mother”. Omar, who is
more than a student, had messaged me in Tunis back in November.
He told me about how
recent events had affected his life in the States, a place where he FULLY
deserves to study and which will benefit from his insight and intelligence.
This young man, who is such a hope for his nation, recounts that he is being
targeted by senseless comments by some people in his “entourage”. Yes,
incredibly enough, some people have somehow established a kinship between you
and Omar! Dumbfounding!
I know you know that the
media has been giving you a great push, for many years now, and keep feeding
your ranks with ostracised, and all the more hopeful recruits. It must be funny
for you to see all those profile pictures with the colours of the West, and not
a rainbow, that would be more aware and suiting….
And now, to Mohamed: a
smart and exemplary Muslim young man. He confessed that he has already made
peace with the fact that he might die in a terrorist attack, and has accepted
it. This, in itself, is as wrong as it is tragic! To you, it must sound……. like
an achievement.
Mohamed, whose
intelligence and manners are overachieving in every possible way, is one of
those boys singled out in an airport in Europe, because he is a little too dark
and Arab looking! Once again, wrong association, and how insulting must it
And finally, there is Hans.
From his young age, he should be worrying about little ludic things and perhaps
school, but he is truly concerned about his safety. Hans is white, and
therefore not affected by the colour demonisation, however he openly says that
he is often afraid for his loved ones and himself, anywhere on
the planet.
I recall, a few years
ago when I was at university, a philosophy teacher asked us: Can you live a
good life without taking risks?
At the time, we all
reflected on the possibility of having accidents whilst travelling, or not
finding a job. If you asked the students nowadays, they will talk to you about
the possibility of being a victim of a terrorist attack at the cinema, concert,
restaurant, favourite mall, historical sites, schools or walking down the
Therefore, you see, you
did it. You have terrorised the adults, the older generations and even the youth.
Thanks to the support of many people/countries/and media, it was now your turn
to successfully sow terror across the blue dot. The circle is full.
We all fight
you, and in a way:
Omar fights by not
responding with hatred to hate, Mohamed fights by keeping his calm and pretends
not to understand the senseless association , Hans fights by continuing to go
out and hope for a better future.
Albeit by teaching subjects to a privileged audience, still, educators also try to make them reflect on historical patterns and against making the wrong connections.
As humans, most of us still go out, most of us still hope…..
Albeit by teaching subjects to a privileged audience, still, educators also try to make them reflect on historical patterns and against making the wrong connections.
As humans, most of us still go out, most of us still hope…..
Sadly, the ones who have
stopped will come towards you, looking for a purpose through the subterfuge of
your black and white flag…..
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