Thursday 22 August 2013

Creating "walking like an Egyptian"

This idea, I owe it to some friends who initiated a blog and shared their travel experiences with everyone, an unselfish mean to say how you feel as you go and offer a chance to family and friends to feel as close to you and your mind as possible.
I wish I had done it when we arrived in Istanbul and for the four years after, as the old Constantinople really grew in on me; the most beautiful city I have ever seen, where I feel the most at home. But better late than later, I shall start in the land of pharaohs, in these hard, yet decisive times for Egypt and its people.

I feel, as a preamble, I have to clarify our sanity. Before coming, and especially after the events that happened on Wednesday the 13th, we were assailed by questions (with good and kind intentions we know), regarding our state of mind and questioning our decision about going to Egypt in these troubled times. All I can say is two things : I am committed to a school, kids and don’t like to give up, but most importantly, we deemed and still hope that we are right in assuming that things will be fine and if not, the school will take good care of us.

It is of course, with a big knot in our hearts that we landed, hoping we did the right thing, hoping everything would indeed be fine.

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