Saturday 24 August 2013

Week end/ “I’ll shoot you if you dare to do more than stare”

Being an Islamic country, life here is punctuated by prayer times and as our first week end dawned on us, we realise that during the week end (Friday and Saturday) will not really start until 1.00 pm. 
The shops do not open before 1.00 on Friday and start opening at 10.00 on Saturday.
Also, with the current curfew, which was 6.00 until 17.00 and is now 6.00 until 19.00, shops tend to close a little earlier than usual, understandably.
As for harassment, I have been warned several times by friends and also colleagues and have been practising a “I’ll shoot you if you dare to do more than stare” look to anyone lingering a bit too long. 
Now, I can only speak for the past week over here and say that unfortunately it isn't a myth, yet, however as careful as we must be, us ladies out here, we should bare in mind that not everyone is ill minded.

I also have to point out that there seem to exist different status, which work kind of like a ladder:
5 : Egyptian and conservative married women
4 : Egyptian married women
3 : Egyptian single women
2 : foreign married women with one or several children
1 : foreign married women
0 : foreign single women

As you can see, I am only making it to a 2 and it is true that if I walk around with my Buls, I do not get such intensive stares, even though I still do feel like foreign meat to some extent.
Yet, should I be walking by myself, I do feel like a BIG 0 on the scale, walking around and getting a lot of attention. It appears that the "pss" or call out systems (in Arabic luckily) here get you a long way, as young men do it.

On the other hand, I have to say that I got some assistance a few days ago, from a man, driving past me in his car. He spotted me dragging a box, way too heavy for me, and as he stopped next to me, I gave him one of my best "I'll shoot you if you dare to do more than stare" look; instead of driving away and after attempting to talk to me in Arabic and realising that I couldn't communicate with him, he just picked it up and drove me to my building and waited for some more help to come, ensuring I would be fine.

So, in a way, I am everything but naive about the harassing culture and I will keep giving my “I will shoot you if you dare to do more than stare” look, I have to bare in mind that we need to give a chance to people too.


  1. I've known you for over ten years I really doubt you needed any more practising for that look!!
    Laure xx

  2. Lol! Je ne vois pas ce que tu insinues ;) Bisous ma poule et contente de savoir que tu lis aussi
